Visit from European Countries
17 Ocak 2022, Pazartesi - 15:22
Güncelleme: 12 Ocak 2023, Perşembe - 11:34
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In the event organized within the scope of the project titled "Different Quests in Foreign Language Teaching- Technology and Game-based Language Teaching" carried out under the coordination of Denmark within the framework of the ERASMUS+ Program, Samsun Osmangazi Imam Hatip Secondary School teachers and teachers and students from Denmark, Poland, Portugal, Lithuania, Italy and Turkey came together with the academicians and students of Ondokuz Mayıs University (OMU) Department of Foreign Language Education.

The Heads of the Department of Foreign, English, French Languages Education Prof. Dr. Rıfat Günday, Prof. Dr. Nalan Kızıltan, Prof. Dr. Halil Aytekin, respectively, and faculty staff of the Department of French Language Education Department Prof. Dr. Hanife Nalan Genç also attended the event which took place in the Faculty of Education Block B Conference Hall.

Delivering the opening speech of the event, the Head of theDepartment of English Language Education Prof. Dr Nalan Kızıltan underlined the necessity of internationalization drawing attention to the importance of Samsun in the history of Turkey and the world. Afterwards, Res. Assist. Rabia İrem Durmuş's presentation, the folk song interpretation of the students who took the 'Culture and Language' elective course, and the presentation of the student who introduced her region with her local dress attracted the attention of international guests.

The event continued with the master's students Fatmanur Kaya, Beyza Nur Kavlak and Safiye Nur Kahya's presentations on "Innovations in Foreign Language Teaching" and "Game Supported Foreign Language Teaching" supervised by Prof. Dr. Nalan Kiziltan, Assoc. Prof. Dr. İsmail Yaman and Dr. Instructor Deren Başak Akman Yeşilel.

At the end of the event, the guests participating within the scope of the ERASMUS+ Program visited OMU International Relations Office Erasmus Institutional Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Dr. İsmail Yaman and got information about the activities of the Erasmus Office.

During the visit, gifts promoting OMU were presented to the guests from Europe.

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