OMU-YOS Successfully Completed with New Features and New Countries
21 Haziran 2022, Salı - 13:19
Güncelleme: 12 Ocak 2023, Perşembe - 11:33

Ondokuz Mayıs University International Student Entrance Examination (OMU-YOS 2022) was held on Sunday, May 29, 2022, in a face-to-face format in national and international centres.

33 countries 51 centres

OMÜ-YÖS was held in 33 countries and 51 centres simultaneously, covering different geographies of Turkey and the world.

Some innovations have been made for candidates

This year, some innovations were made for the candidates who took the exam in 5 different languages: Turkish, English, Russian, Arabic and French. The first of these innovations were implemented within the scope of the students' preferences and university placement processes. Accordingly, candidates, with their 2022 OMÜ-YÖS results, will be able to carry out preference and placement procedures for nine universities in Turkey, including OMU, on a single platform.

Biometric data were used in the control of exam entrance documents

Another innovation covers the security processes related to the exam. In this direction, the information in the exam entrance documents of the candidates who took the exam was automatically checked by digital software, while this information was verified with biometric data. The digital identity recognition security system was used for the first time in a YOS exam in our country and was successfully implemented. This innovation was welcomed by the students who took the exam and their parents.

New exam centres

On the other hand, exam centres that could not be visited due to the pandemic and for different reasons in previous years were included in the exam this year. In addition, OMU reached new centres this year which were not used in the previous years, allowing international students from these regions to take the OMU-YOS as well. Countries such as Democratic Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Egypt, Mozambique, Thailand, Uganda, and Uzbekistan are the new centres.

Numerous universities in Turkey recognise OMU-YOS

In addition to the fact that nine universities will follow a joint placement process, many universities in Turkey recognise OMU-YOS for international student admissions.

Universities that recognise OMÜ-YÖS:

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