The Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) has been declared as pandemic by the World Health Organization and a national fight against the pandemic has been initiated since the threat is now faced in Turkey too. Ondokuz Mayıs University (OMU) has suspended educational activities for 3 weeks, all events have been postponed, staff members who fall into the risk category have been given leave, and all units at the campus have been disinfected.
The Ministry of Health also shares all the taken decision and all the information regarding the Coronavirus Disease at their website. You can reach the Ministry’s website through the following link.
OMU has taken all the necessary precautions regarding the coronavirus pandemic. The decisions taken at the Turkish Council of Higher Education’s Coordination Centre have been strictly followed by all universities and academicians, students, and administrative staffs are constantly updated on the situation. OMU has also formed its own coordination team that closely follows all the developments and acts swiftly according to circumstances.
Medical Faculty Hospital is fully ready against possible cases. Currently the hospital does not have any isolated patients with the Coronavirus Disease.
All events at OMU have been postponed until further notice.
OMU hospitals, education buildings, recreational and accommodational areas, administrative buildings, and all means of transport have been disinfected against SARS-CoV-2. These disinfection works are carried out continuously.
You can access all the OMU announcements and detailed information through Updates are also given in our social media accounts.
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