Kenyan Delegation from Mombasa Visit OMU to Foster Academic and Scientific Collaboration
19 Temmuz 2024, Cuma - 13:00
Güncelleme: 23 Temmuz 2024, Salı - 13:01

High-ranking officials from Mombasa, Kenya's second-largest city, visited Ondokuz Mayıs University (OMU) to discuss potential academic and scientific collaborations.

Exploring Various Collaborative Areas

The Kenyan delegation, including Dr. Mbwarali Kame Mboranad, the CECM Education Mombasa County, Omar Abdalla, Head of Procurement Mombasa County, Jibril Maalim, Chief Officer Education Mombasa County, first met with Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Murat Terzi and the Head of International Relations Office Prof. Dr. Mustafa Said Kurşunoğlu. Lecturer Tolga Arslan from the International Relations Office also attended the meeting.

During the meeting held at the Rectorate Meeting Hall, various topics were discussed, including undergraduate and postgraduate education, agriculture, research, training of trainers, training of Kenyan doctors, student and researcher exchanges, artificial intelligence, short-term specialist training for Kenyan doctors at OMU, tourism and health tourism, elderly care, healthcare personnel training, and short-term health camps in Mombasa organized by OMU doctors.

Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Terzi: "We are ready to support the development of Kenya with trained human resources"

Speaking on the potential paths for collaboration, Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Murat Terzi emphasized Türkiye's close ties and importance placed on Africa, expressing OMU's readiness to support Kenya's development with trained human resources.

Marine Life Museum

Prof. Dr. Terzi also highlighted the potential benefits of collaborative research and conservation efforts with Kenya, one of the world's most diverse wildlife regions, through OMU's Wildlife Research Center. He mentioned that OMU plans to open a "Marine Life Museum" soon and welcomed contributions from the Kenyan guests to the museum's collection.

"A visit to Kenya will boost bilateral relations"

Prof. Dr. Terzi added that a future visit by OMU's top management to Kenya would further strengthen bilateral relations.

Delegation Members: "We believe the collaboration starting with education will soon evolve into a multifaceted partnership"

The Kenyan officials expressed their desire for successful students from Mombasa to pursue higher education in Türkiye, especially at OMU. They conveyed their enthusiasm for joint efforts in the areas outlined by Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Murat Terzi, believing that the initial collaboration in education will soon evolve into a comprehensive partnership.

Dr. Mbwarali Kame Mboranad: "OMU exceeds our expectations"

Dr. Mbwarali Kame Mboranad noted that OMU was introduced to them two years ago during Lecturer Tolga Arslan's visit to Mombasa, where he conducted presentations and promotions. Dr. Mboranad expressed their delight in discovering that OMU's capabilities exceeded their expectations.

Praise for the Faculty of Dentistry Hospital

Following the meeting, the Kenyan delegation visited the Faculty of Dentistry Hospital, where they observed classrooms, laboratories, and clinics. The delegation members praised the faculty's equipment and expertise.

During a campus tour led by Lecturer Tolga Arslan, the delegation was introduced to various faculties, research centers, facilities, and campus amenities. The tour's final stop was the International Relations Unit, where they met with the Head of the International Relations Office, Prof. Dr. Said Kurşunoğlu. The discussions focused on potential collaborations, OMU's internationalization activities, and insights regarding international students.