“Nutrition, Personal Hygiene and Encironmet" Trainings to Kids by Youngsters from OMU
03 April 2019, Wednesday - 13:31
Updated: 12 January 2023, Thursday - 11:34

Ondokuz Mayıs University (OMU) Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Nursing 4th year students gave awareness training about "nutrition, personal hygiene and environment" in the primary schools in Toybelen and Balaç villages in the scope of the course Public Health Nursing Discipline 'Intern Application'.

The students of the Nursing Department visited the primary schools in Toybelen and Balaç villages under the supervision of the Department of Nursing faculty staff Assoc. Prof. Dr. Birsen Altay and Lect. Figen Çavuşoğlu gave students information through in-class presentations about the importance of healthy nutrition, points to pay attention in personal hygiene and environmental awareness and expressed their joy to be part of this training.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Birsen Altay pointed out the importance of rendering a lifestyle the contents of the training and stated that primary school students were open to innovation and development due to their age scale, and thus activities should be broadened to increase their awareness and consciousness.

The event of the students of the Nursing Department drew much attention from the primary school students who were happy to share their questions and subjects of interest.

They drew attention with the in-campus 'peer-education' about addiction 

Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Nursing 4th year students reminded through in-campus events organized to draw attention to the "fight against addiction" that everyone had a responsibility about all kinds of addiction.

The training, which was conducted under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Birsen Altay and Lect. Figen Çavuşoğlu in the scope of the course Public Health Nursing Discipline 'Intern Application', was given to students in the Yaşam Merkezi and faculty canteens using the peer-education method.

The training aimed at creating an awareness about internet and social media addiction, smartphone and tablet addiction, game addiction, virtual gambling addiction, drugs and depressant addiction, volatile substance and bonding material addiction, smoking and tobacco addiction, alcohol addiction and substance addiction.

The events organized within the scope of "Fight against Addiction", underlined the dangers of all kind of addictions and how to stay safe, and aimed at raising the awareness of the youngsters through trainings.