2nd International UNI-DOKAP Black Sea Symposium on Bio-diversity is held at OMU
29 November 2018, Thursday - 15:11
Updated: 12 January 2023, Thursday - 11:33

2nd UNI-DOKAP Black Sea Symposium which will be between November 28 – 30, 2018 was launched at Ondokuz Mayıs University which holds the presidency of UNI-DOKAP in the 2018-2019 Academic Year. The opening ceremony of the international symposium in which the theme of biodiversity would be discussed in detail was held with the participation of the Rector Prof. Sait Bilgiç, the Governor of Samsun Osman Kaymak, Mayor of Samsun Metropolitan Municipality Zihni Şahin, Garrison Commander Artillery Colonel Recep Ali Üstün, Rectors of the other universities which are the members of UNI-DOKAP, numerous Turkish and foreign academicians, researchers, and the university students.

The symposium aims to announce new studies in the field, to enhance the cooperation among scientists and to unite the researchers who are experts in the field of microbial bio-diversity with the scientific society.

UNI-DOKAP includes Ondokuz Mayıs University (OMU), Black Sea Technical University (KTU), Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University (RTEU), Giresun University (GRU), Ordu University (ODU), Artvin Çoruh University, Gümüşhane University, Bayburt University. Samsun University, Sinop University, and Trabzon University are among the participants as the candidate members of UNI-DOKAP.