Ömürden Sezgin, founding manager of n11.com, gave a training entitled "Recreate Your Brand – Strategic Marketing Methods" at the Samsun Teknopark Conference Hall.
Samsun Teknopark General Manager Dr. Buğra Çolak, Advisor to the Rector and an academic member of OMU Environmental Engineering Department Prof. Dr. Yüksel Ardalı, Samsun Teknopark Assistant General Manager Osman Özkoç, marketing department personnel of industrial firms, academicians, university students and students from Samsun Doğa College and Bahçeşehir College attended the event.
The event continued for 2 hours and Sezgin spoke of the importance of brands, the key points to consider when creating a brand, and the steps to be taken in branding. Sezgin also told the establishment story of n11.com and the things done for branding the name n11.com.