Graduation Excitement at the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
05 June 2017, Monday - 14:51
Updated: 12 January 2023, Thursday - 11:33

The 2016-2017 academic year graduates of Ondokuz Mayıs University (OMÜ) Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences took their graduation certificates at the ceremony held in the Football Field.

Vice Rector Prof. Vedat Ceyhan, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Dean Prof. Ebül Muhsin Doğan, deans of other faculties, academicians, graduate students and their families attended the ceremony, where 534 students graduated.

"We are proud of you all"

Törenin açılış konuşmasını yapan İktisadi ve İdari Birimler Fakültesi Dekanı Prof. Dr. Ebül Muhsin Doğan ailelere seslenerek, "Dört yıl boyunca büyük fedakarlıklarla okuttuğunuz çocuklarınız artık hayatlarının yeni bir safhasına geçtiler. Artık çocuk değil, birer birey oldular. Sizler de artık yaptığınız fedakarlıkların sonuna geldiniz. Delivering the opening speech of the ceremony, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Dean Prof. Ebül Muhsin Doğan addressed the families saying “You schooled your children with much self-sacrifice, and now they passed to a new phase of their lives. They are no longer children but individuals. You also came to the end of your self-sacrifice. You can’t be proud enough of your children. We are also proud of all our children we graduate today.”

Pointing out that besides good days, challenges may also have been faced, addressed the students stating “I thank you for making us and your families live this happiness. At the end of the four years with its ups and downs, now it’s time to say your goodbyes. We give you our blessings”.

Remembering all our martyrs, especially martyrs of 15 July, Prof. Ebul Muhsin Doğan said “What befalls upon you is to put one step forward what they believed in and not stay still. I wish you all success throughout your lives”.

"Never give up on your dreams"

Beginning his speech delivering the kind regards of Rector Prof. Sait Bilgiç, who could not attend the graduation ceremony due to his intense programme,  Vice Rector Prof. Vedat Ceyhan requested an applause for the academicians and families who raised the students and deserved the graduation joy as much as the students.

Prof. Ceyhan advised the graduation students never to give up their dreams, regardless of the situation they face in their lives and wished all the students success in their careers.

"We wish to represent OMU with our success"

Taking the stage after the protocol speeches, faculty top ranking İlhan Horasan delivered a speech in the name of the graduate students. Thanking his family and lecturers for their efforts and self-sacrifice, Horasan wished success to his friends, with whom he passed his educational life, in their future life after university. Promising that they will work prioritizing the benefit of the country over personal benefits, Horasan said that they wished to represent OMU in the national and international arena with their successes.

Nailing a star in the honor log after his speech, faculty top ranking Horasan took his graduation certificate and reward from the hands of Vice Rector Prof. Vedat Ceyhan.

Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Dean Prof. Ebül Muhsin Doğan handed the graduation certificate and reward of the 2nd ranking student of the faculty Gülizar Poyraz, while the 3rd ranking international student Çansaldulan Enkh Amgalan received their graduation certificate and reward from the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Vice Dean Assoc. Prof. Ahmet Mutlu.

The graduation ceremony, where all the graduate students earned also the right to receive an entrepreneurship certificate from KOSGEB (Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization), ended with the traditional throwing of caps.

Story: Çiğdem ÜNALDI

Photography: Hüseyin TEMİZ