Medical Doctor Candidates Donned Their White Coats
27 September 2016, Tuesday - 13:11
Updated: 12 January 2023, Thursday - 11:33
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Students who have begun their education at the Medical Faculty this year have donned their white coats and taken their first classes.

OMU Medical Faculty inaugurated the 2016-2017 Academic Year. Students have taken their first course during the ceremony held at OMU Atatürk Congress and Culture Hall on September 26, Monday. A white coat ceremony was also held during the events. OMU Rector Prof. Dr. Sait Bilgiç, Deputy Dean of the Medical Faculty Prof. Dr. Ayhan Dağdemir, OMU General Secretary Assoc. Prof. Dr. Menderes Kabadayı, Head of Samsun Chamber of Medicine Prof. Dr. Oğuz Uzun, Head of Atatürk University Medical Faculty’s Department of Forensic Medicine Prof. Dr. Ahmet Nezih Kök, faculty members, students and their families have attended the inauguration.

Deputy Dean of the Medical Faculty Prof. Dr. Ayhan Dağdemir voiced his wishes for a successful academic year for the students, and told that 281 freshmen are enrolled to Department of Medicine in Turkish, and 140 freshmen are enrolled to Department of Medicine in English in the new academic year.

“Do Not Leave Your Mind in Someone Else’s Hands”

OMU Rector Prof. Dr. Sait Bilgiç, warning the students that a tough school year is waiting for them, said the following; “I wish that you finish this tough period in a good way, both in terms of education, and in terms of personality. Today is one of those days that make us happy. And we also feel a bittersweet happiness on the day we graduate. Your families have worked very hard for you, and you should never neglect them. You shouldn’t forget those who have served you.”

Underlining the fact that our country is going through hard times, Dr. Bilgiç continued his speech: “You have all witnessed this. We have to analyse these issues well, and accordingly set a course. Being free and independent is one of the most precious rights of a person. Do not leave your mind in someone else’s hands; do not forget that you have a state, a motherland, and a flag of your own. These, and living in a society which have all of these values are our most valuable wealth. I sincerely wish that all of you will receive a very good education and you will have fond memories when you leave this university”.

Following the opening speeches, Head of Atatürk University Medical Faculty’s Department of Forensic Medicine Prof. Dr. Ahmet Nezih Kök has given the first lecture entitled “Medical Ethics and Human Rights”. Following the course, Dr. Bilgiç and Dr. Dağdemir have presented a plaque to Dr. Kök.

The program was concluded following the white coat ceremony.

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