Sapling Certificate Instead of Plaques at OMU
29 March 2017, Wednesday - 10:51
Updated: 12 January 2023, Thursday - 11:33
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Ondokuz Mayıs University made a new regulation for giving sapling certificates to the participants in the activities instead of plaques in line with the provision requiring “to make solution-based suggestions for environmental problems” as stated in the article 12 of Law of Higher Education no. 2547.

According to this regulation, sapling certificates will be given to the participants in order to encourage people to take part in the activities for natural protection and forestation. By this way, saplings will be planted in fall and spring terms in the places chosen by the personnel of OMU Directorate of Construction and Technical Works on behalf of visiting people or organizations.

“2-d barcode” on the “sapling certificate” can be used so that the persons for whom saplings are planted can follow up the whole process or the fields of plantation can be monitored by means of certain applications such as Google Earth through

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