Rector Bilgiç Visits Samsun Organized Industrial Zone
29 May 2018, Tuesday - 09:35
Updated: 12 January 2023, Thursday - 11:33

Prof Sait Bilgiç, Rector of Ondokuz Mayıs University (OMU), visited Samsun Organized Industrial Zone in order to strengthen the cooperation among the public, university and industry.

Rector Bilgiç paid the visit together with Prof. Mehmet Kuran, Vice Rector and Chairman of Samsun Technopark Executive Board, Vice Rector Prof. Murat Terzi, Selahattin Altunsoy, Director of Samsun Science, Industry and Technology, Assoc. Prof. Kemal Yıldızlı, Provincial Representative of the Cooperation Among the Public, University and Industry (KÜSİ), Assoc. Prof. Naci Kurgan, Academician in the Department of Mechanical Industry at OMU, Buğra Çolak, Director General of Samsun Technopark, Faculty Member Mustafa Mortaş, Head of OMU Technology Transfer Office (TTO), and Osman Özsoy.

Rector Bilgiç firstly visited the Middle Black Sea Development Agency (OKA). Mevlüt Özen, Secretary General of OKA introduced the new building of OKA, which was established in the OIZ. During the visit, Secretary General Özen provided comprehensive information about OKA's activities, projects and operation. Rector Prof. Sait Bilgic emphasized the importance of the cooperation with OKA, and he underlined that the investments made within this scope should be reciprocated.

Workplace training programmes are on the way

After paying a visit to OKA, Rector Bilgiç and the delegation visited Yeşilyurt Demir Çelik Vocational School, and they met the academicians. Assoc. Prof. Yıldızlı, Director of the Vocational School, remarked that their institution was one of 8 schools established within the borders of OIZ in Turkey, and he stated: "We have received the second largest financial support reaching approximately 2 million Turkish Liras from the Council of Higher Education in order to strengthen our technical infrastructure and to train qualified technicians. On the other hand, we updated all our education and training programs in line with workplace training protocols that we will sign with OIZ companies pursuant to Code no. 7033; today, our students will be able to graduate with more experience and higher qualifications thanks to our workplace training".

"We provide many opportunities for employment and internship"

Assoc. Prof. Naci Kurgan, Academician in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at OMU, underlined the importance of workplace education in engineering discipline, and he said: "Now we need to move to the model 4 + 1 in engineering education and to take the necessary steps in this direction."

Selahattin Altunsoy, Director of Samsun Science, Industry and Technology, stated that it would be beneficial for the region and the country to establish the coordination with the companies in the areas where production is needed in case of overcapacity in the industry.

Lastly, the delegation visited Samsun Yurt Savunma Sanayi (SYS) Inc. which is one of the most successful companies in the defence industry of our country. Utku Aral made a short presentation for the guests about the organizational structure of SYS in Turkey.

Hayrullah Zafer Aral, Chairman of the Executive Board, emphasized the need to work with universities in order to advance from mid-tech production to high-tech production.

Prof. Mehmet Kuran underlined the issue of branding in his speech, and he stated that they were ready to help for establishing solution partnership in defence industry projects in terms of intellectual and industrial property rights.