"Quran and Life" Symposium
18 May 2018, Friday - 08:28
Updated: 12 January 2023, Thursday - 11:33

The symposium entitled "Quran and Life" was initiated within the scope of 15th Tafsir Coordination Program under the coordinatorship of the Faculty of Theology at Ondokuz Mayıs University (OMU).

The opening ceremony was held with the participation of Samsun Governor Osman Kaymak, Rector Prof. Sait Bilgiç, Vice Rector Prof. Mehmet Kuran, Mayor of Canik Osman Genç, Prof. Mehmet Okuyan, Head of the Department of Tafsir in OMU Faculty of Theology, academicians and students.

"Life and revelation cannot be separated from each other"

Symposium held in the OMU Ataturk Congress and Culture Center started with the Quranic recitation read by Dr. Mustafa Kara, Faculty Member in the Faculty of Theology. After the recitation, Prof. Mehmet Okuyan, Head of the Department of Tafsir, made the inaugural speech of the symposium. He remarked: "We are pleased to host this symposium welcoming the academicians working in the Department of Tafsir from the Faculties of Theology all over Turkey. We have specifically determined the theme of this symposium as 'Quran and Life'. In this way, we aim to draw attention to the inseparable nature of revelation and life and to make a contribution to the main objective of the Quranic revelations for bringing life and Quran together. We will make discussions with our competent academicians in order to ensure the true understanding of the Quran, which is one of our most important and honourable duties. We will talk about the methods of transforming our education and training activities into more accurate and conclusive practices by taking into account the reality demonstrating that any nature and conscience cannot ignore the religion if it is learned and taught correctly."

"The mosque is the heart of a city, and the school is its mind"

Then Osman Genç, Mayor of Canik, made a speech, and he stated: "Our elders say that when the city and the people are placed side by side, the quality of the city reveals the quality of the people. Since the main objective of the Quran is to make the human beings happy and to reveal the nature of truthful human, we think that the relationship between the city and space should be correctly set within the scope of this goal. Therefore, Our Prophet (PBUH) first settled the mosque then the school in the heart of the city while founding the living space for Muslims. So we can conclude that the mosque is the heart of the city, and the school is its mind. We are trying to do the same thing today. For this reason, we hope that we will be able to benefit from the presentations you will present here today.".

"The full understanding of the Qur'an is possible with your interpretations, knowledge and views that you have produced"

Rector Prof. Sait Bilgiç emphasized the importance of the symposium, and he said: "It is crucial for us to have such a meeting where the important values, making significant contributions to the correct understanding, correct explanation and true reflection of the Qur'an, come together at OMU. Hopefully, it will be a fruitful symposium. I hope the beauties will bloom in the places you touch. The full understanding of the Qur'an is possible with your interpretations, knowledge and views that you have produced.  It is an important task to reflect this understanding into life. For this reason, I think that your work is very important. I believe that this symposium will provide very beneficial results at this point".

"Faithlessness is the basis of many problems"

Lastly, Governor Osman Kaymak said: "most of the problems that we experience in our society stem from getting away from our religion, ignoring the disciplines of Islam, not reading the Qur'an, and not abiding by it. The faithlessness is the main cause of numerous criminal acts in our society such as murder, suicide, violence and drug abuse. If our religious officials do not pay attention to their duties such as inviting the people to the religion and teaching the disciplines, the people will be misguided. The unity and solidarity in our society will be stronger if these officials lead us to learn about Islam correctly".

After the speeches, Prof. Nasrullah Hacımüftüoğlu, Dean of the Faculty of Theology at Bayburt University, made the inaugural speech of the symposium with his presentation entitled "Declamation and Qur'an". Then the theme of "Tafseer in History and Today" was discussed at the first session of the symposium. The symposium, which will continue for two days, will also include the sessions entitled "The Human Factor in the Perception of Qur'an In the Past and Today" and "The Results of Teaching and Learning Tafseer in the Faculty of Theology".