The Project Entitled "High School Students Draw the Line to Stop the Dating Violence" Receives an Award
23 March 2018, Friday - 14:55
Updated: 12 January 2023, Thursday - 11:33

The 7th International Women's Labor Conference was held in Ankara within the framework of HAK-İŞ World Women's Day with the participation of thousands of members under the theme of "Difference in Nature, Equality in Rights".

The members coming to Ankara from 81 cities for HAK-İŞ 7th International Women's Labor Conference filled up the Ankara Arena Sports Hall as of the first hours of the morning. The meeting was held with the participation of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his wife Emine Erdoğan, Jülide Sarıeroğlu, Minister of Labor and Social Security, Fatma Betül Sayan Kaya, Minister of Family and Social Policy, Salim Uslu, Deputy of Çorum and Honorary President of HAK-İŞ, Lütfiye Selva Çam, President of AK Party Women's Branches, numerous deputies, bureaucrats, the president and board members of HAK-İŞ and affiliated unions, the representatives from national and international trade union, the chair and members of women committee of HAK-İŞ and of affiliated unions, and thousands of HAK-İŞ members.

The award ceremony was held for the "Project Competition of Theme Ideas in Youth Awareness" with the cooperation of HAK-İŞ Confederation and Gazi University Women's Studies Research and Application Center.

Second Prize in the Project Competition of Theme Ideas in Youth Awareness was given to Research Assistant Emel Güven working in the Department of Public Health Nursing at Ondokuz Mayıs University. The award was presented to Emel Güven by Mehmet Şahin, Vice Chairman of HAK-İŞ.

The project aims to increase the awareness of students, teachers and school personnel about the dating violence, to facilitate the struggle against dating violence, and to detect and prevent the dating violence at early periods by means of seminars, painting competition and painting exhibitions.