Prof. Dr. Sait Bilgiç Takes Over as Rector
16 August 2016, Tuesday - 16:07
Updated: 12 January 2023, Thursday - 11:33
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Prof. Dr. Sait Bilgiç, who has been appointed as the new rector of Ondokuz Mayis University, took over the office from Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Akan with a ceremony.

Rector Prof. Dr. Sait Bilgiç made a speech in the handover ceremony held in the Rector’s Office, and he stated that he was aware of the significance of this position.

“OMU is a significant institution for Samsun”

Rector Prof. Dr. Bilgiç remarked: “I am well aware of the fact that I have assumed a significant and valuable responsibility. And I know that it is not possible to be successful just by focusing on the attitudes and efforts of the Rector. No improvement can be recorded unless all staff of this university put their heart and soul to this work. OMU is a significant institution for Samsun. I want you to know that I will protect this institution by any means. This work can be realized not only with enthusiasm but also with a great responsibility. Be sure that my all decisions and steps will be beneficial to this institution, its staff, and Samsun. I hope that we will take valuable steps with an efficient and dynamic team”.

“We will strive to make innovations that will meet the expectations of Samsun.”

Rector Bilgiç also addressed to the residents of Samsun, and he stated: “They must be assured that they will have a rector who will dedicate himself to the effective realization of this goal. They will see that this new team is well aware of the significance of this University for Samsun. We will strive to make innovations that will meet the expectations of this city. Of course, our university is not an institution which only works for Samsun. It is an enormous structure consisting of 50,000 students and 6,000 staff. The residents in Samsun and our country have great expectations from this institution. It is our duty to meet these demands and to do justice to this enormous structure. They can be assured that we will try to become an institution which meets the expectations of its people with its industry and which finds solutions to their problems. We are ready for any initiative necessitated by the future of our University and the benefits of Samsun and our country”.

Prof. Dr. Bilgiç thanked everyone for their kindness in such a period when many problems and difficulties have been encountered, and he said: “the trust of the Council of Higher Education on me and this selection made by our honorable President of the Republic with great caution in spite of his busy period and important programs are most welcome.”

“Except Traitors”

Prof. Dr. Sait Bilgiç remarked that they do not wish anyone to suffer, and he underlined: “we are not happy to push aside the people for whom the State has assigned many resources and time. However, in order that our nation can survive, that it has a homeland which was drenched with its blood and that our flag symbolizing the blood of millions of martyrs and representing our future and freedom can freely flap in the sky, we should be clamped together in a way that the traitors cannot find any opportunity to leak in. Protecting these values is only possible by ceasing the existence of the traitors among us and not giving any opportunity to them. Today, we are not in a position where we can only listen to these remarks. Be sure that we can do everything to terminate the existence of the traitors in this institution handed over to us with trust by our State”.

Rector Sait Bilgiç stated: “the events occurring as of July 15 have depressed us to a great extent. Our State has clearly demonstrated that FETO terrorist organization was behind the treacherous attempt made on July 15. It is not possible for us to allow and to tolerate the people taking part in this terrorist organization or making any kind of contribution to it. Today, it is FETO and PKK; but tomorrow, we can confront them with another name. We will protect the rights and the freedoms of the people who are faithful to this homeland sincerely and confidingly with their free will. No difference of opinion will obstruct the protection of these rights. Everyone be assured, except traitors. I have never behaved “as if” I am doing something in any mission. I have always done what I must do. And today, we will do whatever we are supposed to do”.

“Our University will attain better positions in the future”

Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Akan, who handed over the office after being the Rector of the University for two terms, expressed: “Continuity constitutes the basis of public institutions. I wish success to our new Rector and his team. I hope and wish that our university will attain better positions in the future. From now on, this responsibility is on their shoulders. I wish good luck and success”.

Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Akan presented flowers to new Rector Prof. Dr. Sait Bilgiç after his speech.

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