Online Meeting Between Ondokuz Mayıs University and International Islamic University Malaysia
20 April 2021, Tuesday - 16:32
Updated: 20 April 2021, Tuesday - 16:32

An online meeting was held between Ondokuz Mayıs University and Malaysia International Islamic University Malaysia, attended by faculty members from various departments. Mutual promotion and information activities, as well as mutual scientific cooperation opportunities between departments, were discussed during the meeting organized by the International Relations Units of both universities. Despite the severe pandemic conditions, online meetings and digital communication offer new international opportunities and valuable insights for the post-pandemic future. International online meetings, which prepare grounds for cultural communication and joint scientific studies, attract great attention from faculty members.

The meeting was attended by OMU International Relations Office members Assoc. Dr. Mustafa Said Kurşunoğlu, Esra Derle, Tolga Arslan, Birol Kurt and academic staff of the Faculty of Education Assoc. Dr. Nursel Topkaya, Dr. Esat Şanlı, Assoc. Dr. Yusuf Bahri Gündoğdu and Res. Assist. İrem Nur Gürsoy and Faculty of Engineering Dr. Sevim Çevik; and IIUM Office of the International Affairs members Prof. Dr. Amir Akramin Bin Shafi, Chyfica Binti Mohamed Zamri and academic staff of the Kulliyah of Education Dr. Ismaiel Hassanein Ahmed Mohamed, Dr. Madihah Binti Khalid and Dr. Mohammad Ridhuan Bin Abdullah.