Higher Education Council of Turkey (YÖK) Institutional External Evaluation Team Members visited Ondokuz Mayıs University (OMU) within the scope of the Institutional External Evaluation of OMU conducted by YÖK.
During the visit hosted by Rector Prof. Sait Bilgiç, Head of the team Prof. Sevim Rollas (Marmara University retired faculty member), YÖK Institutional External Evaluation Team members evaluators Prof. Belma Akşit (Maltepe University), Prof. Haluk Özmen (Karadeniz Technical University), Prof. Akile Reşide Gürsoy (Beykent University), Ümmühan Çelik (Kocaeli University) and observer Assoc. Prof. Rüyam Küçüksüleymanoğlu (Uludağ University) came together with OMU Quality Commission Members at the meeting conducted at the Rectorate Senate Hall.
Speaking at the opening of the meeting, Rector Prof. Sait Bilgiç stated their satisfaction in hosting the guests and pointed out that the University had attained a noticeable and tangible dynamism in this long-term process and they will preserve this enthusiasm with determination.
In their presentation afterwards, OMU Quality Commission member Assoc. Prof. Nuray Keskin informed the YÖK Institutional External Evaluation Team members about the works the University and Quality Commission had conducted until now. Assoc. Prof. Nuray Keskin summarized the quality process as being on the road and said that the University conducted serious works in order to extend and internalize the quality culture.
At the end of the meeting, YÖK Institutional External Evaluation Team members took souvenir photos with Rector Prof. Sait Bilgiç and OMU Quality Commission members and conducted field visits in the Kurupelit Campus.
The team visited and carried out observations respectively at the Faculty of Dentistry, Student Life Center, KİTAM (Black Sea Advanced Technology Research and Application Center), Faculty of Engineering, student canteens and lastly Central Library and took information from authorities. YÖK Institutional External Evaluation Team members also chatted with students during the field visits.
The last evaluation visit of YÖK Institutional External Evaluation Team members will be in November 2017.
Story: Sinan Akdoğan
Photography: Gökhan Çetin