European Youth Week Events Have Started
11 May 2017, Thursday - 10:41
Updated: 12 January 2023, Thursday - 11:33

Organized in the scope of the European Youth Week, the promotional days of Erasmus+ Youth Programmes started by OMU International Relations Office, Youth and EVS (European Voluntary Service) Office and EVS Samsun Volunteers with the slogan “Change is Possible with Youngsters” is continuing.

The event, which will last between May 1-14, started with the hosting of multinational youngsters at the International Relations Office and Youth Office between May 2-5 holding activities for the celebration of the week and informing youngsters from Samsun about the Erasmus+ Youth Programmes.

Chain of friendship and unity with international students

OMU International Relations Office also took part in the “10th International Students Meeting” event held at the Samsun Cumhuriyet Square between 6-7 May by the International Students Associations Federation (UDEF) and Samsun International Student Association and continued promotional activities in the area where booths of 60 countries were ready. The people and youngsters of Samsun showed great interest in the event which created a “chain of friendship and unity” with international students.

The events, which will continue with the distribution of brochures and booklets about Erasmus+ Youth Opportunities and European Voluntary Service at OMU Campus and different regions of Samsun, provided the opportunity to more extensively and efficiently reach university students and youngsters of the region.

What is the Erasmus+ Programme?

The Erasmus+ Programme, which started in 2014 and will continue until 2020, combines various programmes, opportunities and webs, notably the Life-Long Learning and Youth Programmes which was previously applied by the education and youth field of the European Union. Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Programmes provides European opportunities for youngsters from all sectors without taking into consideration the educational and language background.

OMU International Relations Office and Youth and EVS Offices will continue festinately to hold events to meet youngsters living in Samsun in order to inform them about the opportunities that will enable them to participate in these programmes.