The Champion Wrestler of Kırkpınar Visits OMU
11 August 2016, Thursday - 09:06
Updated: 12 January 2023, Thursday - 11:33
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Recep Kara, who won the gold belt for the fourth time and became the Başpehlivan (Champion Wrestler) of the 655th Historical Kırkpınar Oil Wrestling Festival, visited Ondokuz Mayıs University.

Then Rector Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Akan had accepted the champion wrestler at his office and expressed his appreciation of this visit. Stating that OMU has been holding the top rank for university wrestling in Turkey and throughout the world for the past 25 years, Akan laid emphasis on the significance of this visit for our University.

Recep Kara, who still holds the Youngest Başpehlivan of Kırkpınar title following his first championship back in 2004, had a conversation with Rector Akan and the Secretary General Assist. Prof. Selahattin Özyurt. “We are extremely pleased with the visit of my dear friend and brother Recep Kara, who is a valiant solider of the 15 July Democracy Watch, who is a monumental figure of sportsman ethics, and who is the Başpehlivan of Turkey,” said Secretary General Özyurt during the visit.

Başpehlivan Kara posed with his golden belt at the end of the visit; and then Rector Akan presented a gift to the champion.

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