Azerbaijan Promotional Day Excitement at OMU
07 December 2017, Thursday - 00:05
Updated: 12 January 2023, Thursday - 11:33
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On the “Azerbaijan Promotional Day” organized at Ondokuz Mayıs University (OMU) the sisterhood emphasis came to the forefront and the shows exhibited by students from Azerbaijan were watched with excitement by the participants. Organized by OMU International Students Society and supported by the Student Council, International Students Office, Samsun International Students Association and Credit and Dormitories Institution Samsun Provincial Directorate, the promotional day was held at the Atatürk Congress and Culture Center.

Rector Prof. Dr. Sait Bilgiç, Vice Rector Prof. Mehmet Ali Cengiz, Secretary General Assoc. Prof. Menderes Kabadayı, Head of International Relations Office Prof. Rıdvan Kızılkaya, academicians and a great number of students attended the Azerbaijan Promotional Day.

“We are the educational bridge to Azerbaijan - Turkey brotherhood”

Delivering the opening speech, the Azerbaijani Student Representative said “The brotherhood between Azerbaijan and Turkey has been present for a long time. We students try to contribute to that sisterhood forming educational bridges. In our time here we try to best represent and promote our country”.

“Our educational relations date back to old times”

Attending the Azerbaijan Promotional Day as a guest, educational counselor Necibe Nesibova stated “The educational relations between the two countries date back to very old times. Even without any protocols, our citizens came to your country to receive education in the early 20th century. The same is done today. Just with a slight difference though, now the youngsters from your country also receive education at our universities. I believe that the youngsters of both countries will be the firm bridges of these two sister countries”.

“We are brother countries”

Vice Rector Prof. Mehmet Ali Cengiz put emphasis on the common values of both countries and continued “Neither you nor us are strangers, we are brother countries. Everything symbolized on our flags indicates we are not strangers but the same. I wish to thank everyone who made us feel these emotions and put effort in the realization of this beautiful promotional day. I wish Allah helps both countries”.

After the speeches, a promotional video of Azerbaijan was presented to the audience. After the video presentation, the audience was presented a magnificent show including theater play, folk dances and local music prepared by students from Azerbaijan.

In memoriam of the day, educational counselor Necibe Nesibova presented plaques to those who put effort in the Azerbaijan Promotional Day, especially Rector Prof. Dr. Sait Bilgiç and Rector Prof. Dr. Sait Bilgiç presented a sapling certificate to Necibe Nesibova.

The promotional day ended after guests were served Azerbaijani plov.

Story: Nehir GÜLER

Photography: Gökhan ÇETİN

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