We Take It as Our Duty to Raise the Awareness of Youngsters about Women’s Rights
11 March 2019, Monday - 16:45
Updated: 12 January 2023, Thursday - 11:34

Ondokuz Mayıs University (OMU) celebrated the “March 8 International Women’s Day” with various events held at different places within the University.

The ceremony was organized jointly by Ondokuz Mayıs University Women and Society Application and Research Center (OKTAM) and Faculties of Engineering and Education and housed a panel themed “Women in Professional Life in the 100th Year of the First Step”, where the problems of the women were discussed. The event also hosted a mini-concert by the Faculty of Education Department of Music.

The event, which was held at the Atatürk Congress and Culture Center, was attended by Samsun Parliamentarian Çiğdem Karaaslan, Samsun Mayor Zihni Şahin, Rector Prof. Dr. Sait Bilgiç, Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Kuran, Secretary General Assoc. Prof. Dr. Menderes Kabadayı, Faculty of Engineering Dean Prof. Dr. Birol Elevli, Faculty of Education Dean Prof. Dr. Seher Balcı, academicians, administrative staff and students.

“For a democratic and advanced society, women’s should benefit from the same opportunities as men”

Delivering the opening speech of the event, Ondokuz Mayıs University Women and Society Application and Research Center (OKTAM) Deputy Director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hatice Kumcağız stated that they aimed at giving voice to the problems of women within the scope of the March 8 International Women’s Day and continued “Unfortunately, pressure, violence and mobbing towards women is still present today in many countries. The advancement of woman, who is the most efficient, leading and unifying element of society, is part of the social justice and not the sole problem of women. To create a democratic and advanced society, it is vital to empower women, broaden their domain and ensure that they benefit from equal opportunities and facilities in terms of education, employment and politics.”

“OKTAM took it as a mission to women heard”

Kumcağız, stating that no socio-cultural and politic movement can be successful without the presence of women, said “We as OKTAM took it as a mission to reach women and make them heard. Our works will always continue to create public opinion and awareness in order to solve the problems of women.”

“There is much more love, respect and justice where women are present”

Sharing the historical process for the 8th of March to be celebrated as the International Women’s Day, Faculty of Engineering Dean Prof. Dr. Birol Elevli underlined the fact that the rate of employment for women was lower than men in Turkey. Drawing attention to the fact that that rate was even lower in the engineering profession, Prof. Dr. Elevli said that only 35% of the engineering students were women.

Stating that a great value was given to women in the Turkish culture, Birol Elevli continued “Women and men complete each other. A balanced division of labor is directly related to the development of society. The more women in professional life the greater our social development. Time has taught me that there is much more love, respect and justice where women are present.”

“The women’s place is better in the Turkish society than others”

Stating that today it is given voice in many countries to the social problems of women and discussions take place about how such problems can be solved, Rector Prof. Dr. Sait Bilgiç said “The place of women in the Turkish society is better than that in the societies to our west and east. Up from the Orkhon Inscriptions to the Turkish statecraft, you can find many examples for this. A Khan who said ‘I am your Khan and this is my house and wife’ while introducing himself and his spouse; a High Prophet who for the very first time spoke about the rights of people over each other and, especially, the rights of women; and a Great Leader who gave the Turkish women, among many others, in particular the right to elect and be elected are embodiments to define the place of women in the Turkish society.”

“As universities, we have to raise the sensibility and awareness of our youngsters about women’s rights”

Emphasizing that there is a distinction between woman and man in biological terms but discrimination could never be accepted, Rector Bilgiç continued his words saying “That our women take more part in life is the sole condition of a life shaped by a woman’s elegance and reaching a brighter future. As universities, we take as a mission to raise the sensibility and awareness of especially our youngsters about women’s rights. OMU has a high rate of women employees and students. This rate is close to 50% in terms of academicians. We need women filling the world with love. I celebrate the March 8 International Women’s Day of all the women who fill the world with love.”

“I hope the women’s day events lead to good suggestions for the future”

Stating that women could participate more in social life and politics with the value given to women rising in recent years, Samsun Mayor Zihni Şahin said “This type of events, above all, creates awareness providing opportunities to discuss the problems of women. Therefore, I give much importance to such events. I believe that the events held here and other sites of Samsun will contribute a lot to the development of the Turkish society.”

As an educator, saying that girl students gave more importance to education, Mayor Şahin stated “The women, who fought alongside men in yesterday’s War of Independence, should now take their place in the social life. I wish a happy Women’s Day, hope the events lead to good suggestions for the future.”

“We have striven to raise the woman from a statue of an object to that of a subject”

Starting their speech celebrating the special day of women identified with labor, Samsun Parliamentarian Çiğdem Karaaslan said “It is very valuable that today’s panel involves the 100th year. It is very important to evaluate the 100-year adventure of women up from the establishment of our country. The place of women in our society is very clear when we turn to our religion, civilization and core. For many years this notion has been discussed over the concept of equality. Whereas, based upon the reality that women and men are not equal, we have to accept that this is not a drawback. On the contrary, we can see that women are superior in some aspects. Therefore, we have to consider this over justice, not equality.

On top of that, women were always mentioned by violence. It was perceived as if woman and violence were bound to be referred to in the same sentence. It is of course very important as the state to take the measures against violence and be standing by the women, but it was necessary to show a will to carry the women to a different area beyond violence. Today, we and our President in particular as staff who give direction to the future of this country have striven to raise the woman from a statue of an object to that of a subject. And this we realized through the legislative regulations removing the necessity for women to choose between motherhood and career. With the innovations, meeting of the care needs of the child and paving the way for professional life, women are no longer obliged to make a choice.”

“The representation rate of women in the parliament has become 17% for the first time in history”

Emphasizing that women have been present more in politics in recent years, Çiğdem Karaaslan continued “Women were not present in politics for a long time despite Atatürk giving them the right to elect and be elected long before countries called advanced. The representation rate of women in parliament has become 17% for the first time in history. This is, of course, not enough. We aimed for greater participation of women not only in politics but also in all aspects of life.”

Pointing out that, alongside politics, the government conducted fruitful works for the education of girls; Karaaslan said “We perceive the woman not only by the date of employment but also as a whole with her family and what she has been experiencing with her family. For nothing makes sense if not sustainable. We are aware of the burden on our shoulders as woman parliamentarians. However, we should look at this over woman-man discrimination. If women get stronger, the family gets stronger. If the family gets stronger, so does the society.”

Expressing their proud for the women of Samsun being powerful in all aspects, Karaaslan thanked everyone who put an effort in the realization of the event and Rector Prof. Dr. Sait Bilgiç in particular.

After the speeches, Samsun Mayor Zihni Şahin presented flowers to OKTAM Deputy Director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hatice Kumcağız, who said they accepted the flowers on behalf of all women.

Faculty of Education Dean Prof. Dr. Seher Balcı presented thanks certificates to the Faculty of Education Music Department Society, who threw a music banquet to the audience.

The event continued with the panel titled “Women in Professional Life in the 100th Year of the First Step”, where panel Chairman Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hatice Kumcağız, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mucize Ünlü, Lect. Dr. Aslı Çalış Boyacı AND OMU Faculty of Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering student Ayşe Güdükçam discussed the positive and negative conditions faced by women during professional life. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mucize Ünlü gave a presentation titled “Women’s Rights in the Post-Republic Period” and Ayşe Güdükçam a presentation titled “Woman in Professional Life”.

After the event in Atatürk Congress and Culture Center Samsun Parliamentarian Çiğdem Karaaslan, Rector Prof. Dr. Sait Bilgiç and the ones accompanying them paid a visit and presented cloves to the patients and staff at the Faculty of Medicine Maternity Ward. The protocol members went to the Life Center, where they came together, dined and chatted with students.